SMS Solutions
Utilize SMS marketing services to raise brand awareness, optimize your communications and enhance the customer experience. Register your Business Entity, Sender IDs, and SMS templates effortlessly on DLT platforms with verification the same day.
Attributes Helping You Manage Your Restaurant Business
Add an extra layer of security by authenticating and verifying your users using SMS OTP services and prevent phishing attacks.
Transactional SMS
Notify customers about transactions, milestones, appointments, loyalty points, due dates, and much more.
Promotional SMS
Economical way to reach your prospective clients by informing them about promotions, discounts, and offers currently running.
SMS API Integration
Integrate SMS APIs with sample codes and automate sending and receiving SMS from any website, CRM, or application.
Click Rate Tracker
Get to know how many people have shown interest in your campaign and who's clicking on the link and who isn't.
Report Generation
Measure campaign outreach and effectiveness with real-time SMS delivery reports and make changes in your SMS campaign accordingly.
Boost Your Restaurant Business. Lets Get To Work
End your struggle to survive by paying zero commission